Nuestros estudiantes de grado cuarto y sus docentes tuvieron la oportunidad de dar apertura a la segunda unidad de indagación del año, “Cómo compartimos el planeta”, el pasado viernes 3 de mayo. Esta fue la ocasión para hacer un primer acercamiento al proyecto a trabajar, Animales Extraordinarios, y a la idea central del tema transdisciplinar: La importancia de la fauna para la preservación de la vida en el planeta. Los estudiantes y docentes contaron con el apoyo del personal de la Secretaría del Medio Ambiente para comprender los conceptos relacionados con los diferentes tipos de fauna y su importancia para el equilibrio de los ecosistemas. Se llevó a cabo un taller acerca de tráfico de fauna silvestre, sus causas y consecuencias para la vida en el planeta y, para finalizar con broche de oro, cada uno de los participantes realizó un viaje virtual por algunos humedales del entorno que albergan muchas especies de vida animal. Nuestros niños fueron motivados a iniciar su indagación tendiente a comprender las relaciones entre el ser humano y la especie animal, el impacto del tráfico de la fauna silvestre, los derechos de los animales y la tenencia responsable.
Provocation Activity on the Unit of Inquiry Sharing the Planet – Fourth Grade
The opening for our new unit of inquiry «Sharing the Planet» was held on May the 3rd, where 4th grade students and teachers had the marvelous chance to enjoy this activity. That remarkable day was the first approach to the upcoming project «Extraordinary Animals» which is led to work on the central idea of this unit: I acknowledge the importance of fauna in order to preserve life in our planet. Our community at the school was supported on this opening by the Environment Chairhouse of Bogota who were very kind and suitable when explaining the related concepts of the variety of fauna and its importance to create the balance in the ecosystems. The students and teachers carried out a workshop about the sad and terrible traffic of wildlife as well as the consequences this situation brings to our planet and to the living things that inhabit it. Students also experienced the joy of living a virtual visit through some of the wetlands around the school and the types of animals they shelter. To end the day, the kids were motivated to start their inquiry on how we all are connected and how our relationship with nature, animals and ourselves impact in a positive or negative way our lives and that every good path starts by respecting the rights of the fauna and our duties towards them as humans.