Cómo compartimos el Planeta, es la oportunidad para salir en grupo después de tantos meses separados, soñando con volver a encontrarnos y hacerlo posible, ha sido maravilloso. Ver a los niños emocionados al compartir, experimentar los conocimientos para reconocer contextos ambientales donde se busca preservar y proteger la vida silvestre, aprender de ello, opinar, reflexionar y hacer cambios en sus ideas, es tanto enriquecedor como mágico. Si bien el Covid nos transformó la vida, es nuestro reto, volver a retomarla, teniendo en cuenta las características de la realidad que estamos viviendo. El visitar el Bioparque La Reserva nos recordó que pertenecemos a un medio ambiente que necesita de cada uno de nosotros y de cada ser vivo, el balance de las relaciones y el valor de respeto a lo que nos rodea permitirá que vivamos en armonía y nuestro planeta vea reflejado esta convivencia. Cómo compartimos el Planeta, es el nombre de nuestra unidad.
- 20 septiembre, 2021
- Publicado por: administradorCNY
- Categoría: Noticias
Sharing the Planet, it is the chance of enjoying a field trip after several months being kept out, longing to spend time together in a face-to-face mode and dreaming to share the same space as a possible fact, it has been amazing and grateful to acknowledge and to make true as a fact has given the CNY students a joyful emotion. Being able to see the kids delighted with the company of their peers, experiencing new information, recognizing their environmental contexts where preserving and protecting life is the objective to make mind changes, reflect on our role on the planet and how we connect with each living thing was a great thing to see on our day out. Indeed, Covid has changed our surroundings, but it is a challenge for ourselves to take our lives back adapting to the new features that the world provides as proof, we have the skills to achieve anything in life. Visiting this outstanding place reminded us that we belong to an environment that needs each of us and each living thing for a good balance within relationships and most of all the respect towards all that moves around as the way to get the harmony reflected on our planet and our everyday reality.