Last October 31st. teachers, students and godparents from eleventh grade (whom we highlight not only their valuable help but their enthusiasm) got together to celebrate fantasy day in a place called Fantasy Land: a magical place where princesses, knights, ninjas and even unicorns live together.
Everyone enjoyed different carnival games and activities such as walking with stilts, ring toss, balloon race and cotton candy eating, among others. Besides, students enjoyed a fantastic show that included dance, music, puppets, lights, bubbles and Woody from Toy story movie, from The Zumbis Show.
At the end of the day, godparents and godmothers shared with their godsons and goddaughters different learning experiences that they have had throughout 2019. In a beautiful letter they reflected great moments that lived together.
El pasado 31 de octubre los docentes, estudiantes y padrinos de grado once (de quienes resaltamos no solo su valiosa colaboración, sino su entusiasmo), se reunieron para celebrar el día de la fantasía, en Fantasy Land: un mágico mundo donde viven princesas, caballeros, ninjas y hasta unicornios.
Todos disfrutaron de las actividades tipo feria de circo, como caminar en zancos, ensartar aros, carrera de globos, comer algodón de azúcar, entre otras. Además, gozaron de un fantástico show de baile, títeres, luces, burbujas y Woody, un personaje de la película Toy Story, a cargo del Show de los Zumbis.
Al final del día, los padrinos y Madrinas compartieron con sus ahijados diferentes aprendizajes que tuvieron a lo largo del 2019, donde por medio de una carta reflejaron los grandes momentos vividos juntos.