La magia de los polinizadores
- 19 mayo, 2021
- Publicado por: administradorCNY
- Categoría: Noticias

Nuestros invitados, nos motivaron a construir jardines para polinizadores utilizando plantas nativas con flores de diferentes colores y sin insecticidas. Este jardín puede estar en nuestro patio o en el balcón de nuestra casa. Inglés
The magic of pollinators
During the opening of our units of inquiry of Third grade students: ‘How the World Works’ and ‘Sharing the Planet’, we had special guests from the Jardín Botánico de Bogotá and the Red de Huertas Educativas Colombia, who in a playful way developed workshops to understand how pollinators help us in the preservation of our planet, being them crucial in the production of food by pollinating plants. Likewise, they are very important for the protection of ecosystems by helping in the growth of a new generation of plants.
Our guests motivated us to build pollinator gardens using native plants with different colored flowers and without insecticides. This garden can be done in our patio or the balcony of our house.[/vc_column_text]