El pasado sábado 25 de agosto se llevó a cabo el primer Open House en el Colegio Nueva York, cuyo objetivo era reflexionar a partir de la pregunta ¿Es la felicidad un factor de aprendizaje?. Durante la jornada los asistentes participaron en 4 talleres en los cuales pudieron experimentar el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de habilidades con enfoque interdisciplinar, para entre todos responder a la pregunta que nos convocó. Padres, niños y niñas participaron activa y emotivamente en cada una de las actividades preparadas por el equipo docente y directivo. En general, se cumplió el objetivo y todos los participantes manifestaron su gratitud por tan enriquecedora experiencia.
Last Saturday, august the 25th the first Open House at Colegio Nueva York took place, its main objective was to reflect around the following question: Is happiness a learning factor? Along the day, parents attended 4 different workshops through which they experienced learning and skills development within an integrated approach so that in the end we all could answer the question that brought us here in the first place. Parents and their children actively participated in the activities prepared by the teachers and the directive staff. All in all, the objective was achieved and all families were pleased and grateful for the meaningful and enriching experience.