Un día inolvidable vivieron los (as) niños (as) de la sección de Primaria, el pasado martes 29 de enero, con inflables, karaoke, rumba y muchos juegos. Los (as) niños (as) regresaron a un mundo lleno de miles de aventuras acompañados de sus amigos y profesores. Fuimos testigos de la alegría de sus corazones y sonrisas en sus rostros de hacer parte de la comunidad CNY. Deseamos esta felicidad continúe en ellos, en las diferentes actividades que se tienen preparadas en la experiencias de aprendizaje dentro y fuera de aula de clases generando un gran impacto en su vida personal.
Such an unforgettable day our children from the Elementary section lived last Tuesday, January 29th, by playing with inflatables, karaoke, rumba and many other games. The children returned after vacation to a World full of thousands of adventures accompanied by their friends and teachers. Everybody witnessed the joy of their hearts and smiles on their faces for being part of the CNY community. We hope this happiness continue within their hearts for the different activities ahead that are prepared for them in the learning experiences inside and outside the classroom that will make a great impact in their personal lives.